• WHAT IS TEEN DATING VIOLENCE? Teen dating violence (TDV)

    Also known as adolescent relationship abuse, impacting numerous young individuals. Encompassing physical, psychological, economic, or sexual abuse, harassment, or stalking of individuals aged 12 to 18 within the framework of a former or current romantic or consensual relationship.

    Reference - “Teen Dating Violence.” National Institute of Justice, 

    • 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 10 boys experience physical and or sexual violence in their intimate relationship.
    • According to a national survey of youth,
    • 68% of teens experienced educational interference.
    • 67% experienced job interference, and
    • 65% experienced financial control.
    • 1 in 3 homicides in girls aged 11-18 are committed by an intimate partner
    • TDV is more prevalent in LGBTQ teen relationships than in heterosexual teen intimate partner relationships

    The Impact of Teen Dating Violence Dating violence doesn't just hurt in the moment – it leaves lasting scars. Teens who experience relationship abuse often struggle with anxiety and depression. They're more likely to consider suicide, turn to drugs, or find themselves in abusive relationships later in life.

    For LGBTQ+ teens and young people of color, these risks multiply. When dating violence combines with the daily stress of discrimination, the impact can be devastating.

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